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Schuuropruiming (BBinfinite bottom bracket, ZIPP carbon zadelpen, R8170 12 speed shifter en Wheels MFG BB)

Berichten: 343
Lid geworden op: 18 nov 2020 22:47

Rolandos 17 jan 2025 11:03

Up, OP aangepast.

Huidige voorraad :
- ZIPP SL SPEED 31.6MM 0 SETBACK 400MM zadelpen matte black
- Shimano ST-R8170 Ultegra 12 speed DI2 shifter links
- BBinifinite T47-Internal 30mm Road Bottom Brackets NIEUW
- Wheels Manufacturing Trapas Pressfit Bb86/92 Shimano
- Nieuwe Toyama 24377 2RS bottom bracket lagers 2437

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