Oprichter Gerard Vroomen is in een reactie niet onder de indruk. "Het gaat om oudere frames, waarvan de rechter vindt dat ze te veel lijken op de Canyons. We gaan tegen de uitspraak in beroep, dat dient in november. We denken dat we sterk staan in het beroep tegen deze uitspraak. In de tussentijd leveren onze frames nog gewoon uit. Die frames zijn niet geraakt door het patentgeschil."
De complete reactie van Gerard Vroomen: In 2009, Canyon Bicycles filed suit against Cervelo Cycles Inc, alleging that the older R-series seattube infringes on its patents. Cervelo has taken action to defend our designs and is also opposing the patent at the European Patent Office on grounds including lack of novelty and obviousness.
The European Patent Office hearing on the validity of the patent has not yet taken place. In the meantime, there has been initial decisions in the German court, partially favorable to Cervelo, partially favorable to Canyon. We are appealing this court decision and at the same time we feel we have a very strong position against the patent in the Patent Office hearing, scheduled for November 2010.
Sales of these older R-models will continue uninterrupted, while the completely new 2011 R-models with the innovative BBright system are not affected.
Please note that Tri-Dynamic is no longer a distributor or representative for Cervelo bicycles and does not speak on our behalf.